FAQ Section

Can I fix my credit myself?

Sure! You can also change out the motor in your car but sometimes there are things that are best left to the professionals. However, it is your right and responsibility to monitor and protect your own credit. There are laws to help you called the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as well as the Fair Debt Collection Practices act that you can reference for information about challenging information on your credit reports. DBFS is here if you need help from professionals that are familiar with these laws and work with the bureaus every day.

How is my credit legally repaired?

Laws like the FCRA and the FDCPA give you the right and responsibility to assure the accuracy of the items on your credit reports. If information recorded on your credit reports does not accurately represent your behavior as a consumer, then you have the right to request that questionable information be removed from your reports. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) afford you the legal right to dispute inaccurate items on your credit reports with the credit bureaus and your individual creditors.

How does Dream Big Financial Solutions help repair my credit?

DBFS helps clients attack their credit damage by challenging inaccurate, untimely, misleading, biased, incomplete, or unverifiable negative items from their credit reports. We also challenge the report-ability of the account by contesting that the requisite standards of METRO2 compliance are not being adhered to. This strategy is effective not only on accounts with inaccurate information, but also accounts where the information is factual, but the METRO2 compliance is deficient.

What separates us?

DBFS will Challenge EVERY piece of negative information every month. Making your repair process much faster, saving you money in the long run.  As most high name repair companies only challenge a couple of negatives at a time making the process long and drawn out.

What should I do while my credit is being repaired?

It is your responsibility to protect your credit while we are working on your history. If you add new damage to your credit report, you will be working against us. Pro-longing the repair process.

What are options to build my credit while in the repair process.

It is best to have at least 5 open mixed lines of credit reporting on your credit profile.  Here are a few links that will help you build positive lines.

What is the Self Credit Builder Account?
It’s a loan in a bank-held Certificate of Deposit (CD) that you pay off in monthly installments.
How does Self build credit?
Each monthly payment gets reported to all three credit bureaus. That builds your all-important credit payment history – which makes up 35% of your credit score.

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